Apology for not being on service

We apologize to those who submitted their requests and did not get any reply so far. Our service was closed for a few days due to unavoidable circumstances. However, we are live again and all those who submitted requests will get reply as soon as possible.

Thanks for being with us and having patience.

Notice: Please Fill Out the Form Carefully

We are really overwhelmed with the response we received in just two days after starting BookFoo. However, some of you who are filling out the form are not giving the email address correctly. That's why they are not getting any reply within 24 hours as we promised. Please double check that your email address is correct. You will definitely hear from us in 24 hours or less. Thank you all.

We Search Books for You

After the disappearance of Library.nu from the internet, it has become very hard to find a free electronic copy of a book or journal you need. We are here to help you with your search. Please fill out the form below. We will search the book or comics or journal for you and if we can find an electronic copy, we will send it to you by mail within 24 hours. However, we do not guarantee that every time we will be successful at getting what you need. But, why don't you take a chance when it does not cost you anything? :)

Continue to the form, and fill it out properly. Let's see what we can do for you. And, in case you want to suggest anything or just leave a comment, please do so on the comment section of Thanks Page.